Welcome to 3rd Hazel Grove Scout Group!

Scouting is a remarkable movement that brings amassing benefits and enjoyment to everyone involved -Children & Adults alike.
Here at 3rd Hazel Grove , through adventure, we help our Scouts & Leaders develop team-work skills, friendships, confidence, independence, responsibility and a 'can do' attitude to help prepare them for the wider world..
Everyone in our group takes part in many adventures & activities at weekly meetings, weekend activities, camps & residential's, and week-long summer camps (for the older sections).
In a typical year, we will ... Abseil, Climb, Canoe, Cycle, Cave, Bush-craft, Camp in Hammocks, Go Canyoning, Hike, Kayak, Swim, Cook on Open Fires, Visit the Community, Have Craft Evenings, Build Rafts and many many more adventures

Coming Up at 3HG

This Month's Events

8Winter weekend Explorers
7District Pantomine - Cinderella Beavers
t.b.a.Group New Year Dinner at HG Golf ClubExplorers, Leaders, Parents, Supporters
2910K Run checkpointExplorers, Leaders, Parents, Supporters

Next Month's Events

t.b.aSwim Gala Cubs, Scouts, Explorers
t.b.aCounty Winter CampExplorers