Fund Raising
Please complete a Gift Aid declaration to allow us to reclaim basic rate tax on your subscription payment.'TABLE TOP SALES' :
Supporters from 3HG, Norbury Guides and the Friends of Hazel Grove High School run sales each month at the High School.Volunteers always welcome! Please contact the Chairman or GSL if you are able to help with refreshments, door or car parking duties on a Sunday morning. Sales to be run by 3HG are on 15 Dec, 19 Jan 2014, 23 March.
'100 CLUB' :
Contact our 100 Club Secretary if you wish to invest £1 a month in our supporters' draw.New members always welcome.
Contact the Bookings SecretaryBookings Secretary if you wish to hire the HQ for your party or other event at competitive rates.'PRINTER CARTRIDGE RECYCLING' :
Recycle old laser printer and ink jet cartridges and raise good funds for the group. Just leave them with a leader for safe storage!'EASYSEARCH' :
Raise funds for 3HG whilst browsing. No need to register - Just use EASYSEARCH(Ideally set '' as your browser home page - Tools|Internet Options|General Tab.... - plus set your old home page as a 'favourite' for quick access?)